What was the smartest dinosaur?

Troodon is considered to be the smartest dinosaur.

Determining the intelligence of dinosaurs is challenging due to the limited evidence available from the fossil record. However, among the dinosaurs that show some indications of high intelligence, the Troodon is often considered one of the contenders for the title of the "smartest" dinosaur.

Troodon, a theropod dinosaur that lived during the Late Cretaceous period, had a relatively large brain-to-body size ratio compared to other dinosaurs. This suggests a potential for advanced cognitive abilities. Its forward-facing eyes, binocular vision, and depth perception indicate a level of visual acuity, which may have been advantageous for hunting and navigation.

Additionally, Troodon possessed a long and slender body, lightweight bones, and well-developed grasping hands with three-fingered claws. These characteristics suggest a high level of agility and dexterity, which may have facilitated complex behaviors and problem-solving abilities.

While Troodon is often associated with higher intelligence among dinosaurs, it is important to note that our understanding of dinosaur intelligence is still limited. Other dinosaur species, such as some members of the dromaeosaurid group (which includes the famous Velociraptor), are also believed to have exhibited higher cognitive capabilities based on their complex behaviors and inferred social interactions.

It is worth mentioning that intelligence can manifest in various forms, and different dinosaurs may have possessed different types of cognitive abilities suited to their ecological niches. Further discoveries and ongoing research in paleontology may provide additional insights into the intelligence and cognitive abilities of dinosaurs, enhancing our understanding of their behaviors and mental capacities.

Click the link for an interesting article comparing the similarities of dinosaur and bird brains.
