What was the smallest dinosaur?

An artist´s depiction of an Oculudentavis preying on an insect. Artwork credit: Han Zhixin

The smallest dinosaur discovered up to this day (2023) is Oculudentavis.

In the world of dinosaurs, size and diversity abound, with countless species leaving their mark in Earth's history. Among these remarkable creatures, Oculudentavis stands out as an extraordinary find: the smallest dinosaur ever discovered.

Oculudentavis is a genus of dinosaur belonging to the group Avialae, which includes all modern birds and their closest extinct relatives. This minute dinosaur lived during the Mesozoic era, approximately 99 million years ago, in what is now Myanmar. The first fossils of Oculudentavis were discovered encased in amber in 2016, presenting a unique and challenging find for paleontologists.

Oculudentavis was a tiny dinosaur, measuring a mere 1.14 inches (2.9 centimeters) in length, making it the smallest dinosaur ever identified. Its name translates to "eye-tooth-bird" in reference to its remarkable eye sockets and toothy appearance. These minute features posed significant challenges for researchers, as they navigated the complexities of studying such a diminutive creature.

The discovery of Oculudentavis sparked considerable interest and debate within the scientific community. Initially, researchers classified it as a bird-like dinosaur, belonging to the avialan lineage. However, subsequent studies have raised questions about its placement within the dinosaur family tree. Some scientists propose that Oculudentavis might not be a dinosaur at all, but a distant relative of birds or a previously unknown group of reptiles.

For additional information and a video of this dinosaur click the link of Natural History Museum: https://nhm.org/stories/tiny-dinosaur-and-big-discovery

What was the smallest non-flying dinosaur?

The smallest non-flying dinosaur discovered is Mahakala. Its length was 50-70cm or 20-28 inches.

Mahakakla is a genus of halszkaraptorine theropod dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous period 80 million years ago. It was a small dromaeosaurid, and it shares features with early troodontids and avialans. Even though it appeared during the Late Cretaceous it is one of the most basal dromaeosarids. Its small size suggests that before birds were able to fly, they reduced there size before flight capabilites. More information about dinosaurs evolution towards birds through the link: https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna20626526

Its name “Mahakala is one of the eight protector deities in Tibetan Buddhism.

An honourable mention to smallest non-flying dinosaur goes to Microraptor which is only a bit larger than Mahakala. Microraptor was 77cm-120cm in length.