Zuul (Destroyer of Shins)

Basic facts

  • 20 feet (6m) length

  • Late Cretaceous

  • USA

  • Herbivore

Zuul was a heavily armored dinosaur, measuring around 6 meters in length and weighing several tons. Its most distinguishing feature was a bony club-like tail, known as a tail club, which was used for defense against predators. The body of Zuul was covered in a thick, knobby armor of bony plates called osteoderms, providing protection from potential threats. Additionally, its skull displayed an arrangement of horns and spikes.

Belonging to the family Ankylosauridae, the Zuul dinosaur represents a species that thrived during the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 75 million years ago. This fascinating creature was named after the monstrous creature from the movie Ghostbusters due to its formidable appearance. The fossilized remains of Zuul were discovered in the Judith River Formation in Montana, USA, in 2014, providing scientists with invaluable insights into the unique characteristics of ankylosaurs.

Zuul inhabited a landscape characterized by river valleys, forests, and open plains. It was a herbivorous dinosaur, likely feeding on low-lying vegetation such as ferns and cycads. The powerful tail club and robust armor suggest that Zuul was well-equipped to defend itself against predators, utilizing its tail club to ward off threats such as large theropod dinosaurs.