Wukongopterus (Wukongh Wing)

Basic facts

  • 29 inches (0.73m) wingspan

  • Middle Jurassic

  • China

  • Carnivore

Wukongopterus, a primitive pterosaur, shows evidence from its type specimen that it might have suffered a fracture in its left tibia during its lifetime. Additionally, examination of this specimen suggests the potential existence of a membrane between its hind legs known as the uropatagium, a feature common among basal pterosaurs.

The genus is established primarily on the holotype which comprises a mostly complete but compressed skeleton with the exception of the posterior and middle parts of the skull. Remarkably, the type specimen exhibits evidence of a healed shin injury sustained during its lifetime. Its wingspan is estimated to be approximately 730 millimeters (29 inches).

From its relatives, we infer that Wukongopterus possessed a keratinous crest on its head and had a small, compact body adorned with fine, hair-like pycnofibers. The distinctive genus name "Wukongopterus" pays homage to Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King, a character from the classic Chinese novel "Journey to the West."