Wuerhosaurus (Wuerho Lizard)

Basic facts

  • 20 feet (6m) length

  • Early Cretaceous

  • China

  • Herbivore

Wuerhosaurus was one of the last stegosaurs to live. Stegosaurs prime was in the late Jurassic period, wuerhosaurus lived 20 million years after the prime. It is not clear why the stegosaurs died out, but scientist belive it was the fault of another rising dinosaur family - the ankylosaurs.

Wuerhosaurus was a relatively large dinosaur, measuring up to 6 meters (20 feet) in length. Its most distinguishing feature was its extensive armor plating, consisting of numerous bony scutes embedded in its skin. These scutes formed a protective shield covering its back, flanks, and even parts of its underbelly. The plates were interconnected by flexible tissue, allowing the dinosaur to maintain mobility while still providing ample protection against predators. Along with its armor, Wuerhosaurus possessed a long, spiky tail that could be used defensively.

Wuerhosaurus inhabited the ancient floodplains and forests of what is now modern-day China. Fossil discoveries indicate that this dinosaur shared its habitat with other herbivorous dinosaurs and carnivorous predators, including the formidable Yangchuanosaurus. By analyzing its skeletal structure, paleontologists have inferred that Wuerhosaurus likely had a quadrupedal stance, similar to its relatives in the nodosaurid family.