Valdoraptor (Wealden Thief)

Basic facts

  • Early Cretaceous

  • England

Valdoraptor, which translates to "Wealden thief," is a theropod dinosaur genus that lived during the Early Cretaceous period. Fossils of this dinosaur were unearthed in England, and the available remains consist solely of foot bones. The holotype was discovered in proximity to Cuckfield, within the layers of the Tunbridge Wells Sand Formation. These strata date back to the late Valanginian stage. Unfortunately, the specimen is somewhat damaged, missing portions of both the upper and lower ends. It measures 215 millimeters (8.5 inches) in preserved length, with an estimated original length of 240 millimeters (9.4 inches). Valdoraptor holds great significance in paleontology as it represents the first known ornithomimosaur specimen from England, marking the earliest record of ornithomimosaurs in the region.

Nevertheless, the foot of Valdoraptor has predominantly been classified as that of an ornithomimosaur. However, this has introduced a degree of confusion and ambiguity. Given that only a foot has been discovered, it is impossible to determine the dinosaur's overall size or the presence of any distinctive characteristics such as skull crests or enlarged claws. Furthermore, the dietary preferences of Valdoraptor remain uncertain, as ornithomimosaurs encompass a range of genera with varying diets that could include carnivorous, herbivorous, or even omnivorous habits.