Urbacodon (URBAC Tooth)

Basic facts

  • 3.9 feet (1.2m) length

  • Late Cretaceous

  • Russia, Uzbekistan

  • Carnivore

Urbacodon was a troodontid dinosaur genus that thrived during the early Late Cretaceous period, approximately 95 million years ago, within the region that is now Uzbekistan. Its name, "Urbacodon," is derived from "URBAC," which signifies the Uzbek, Russian, British, American, and Canadian nationalities of the individuals involved in its discovery.

This dinosaur was a diminutive, bird-like creature, measuring approximately 1.2 meters in length and weighing around 10 kilograms. Urbacodon exhibited advanced behaviors and possessed exceptionally acute senses. Notably, it featured elongated legs adorned with large, sickle-shaped claws and boasted a remarkably large brain among its dinosaur counterparts. The presence of substantial eyes suggests it possessed keen binocular vision. Urbacodon probably had tail feathers characterized by asymmetrical blades, while its arm feathers likely had symmetrical blades, although it was not capable of flight.