Qiupalong (Quipa Dragon)

Basic facts

  • 9.4 feet (2.85m) length

  • Late Cretaceous

  • China

  • Omnivore

Qiupalong is a group of extinct ornithomimid theropods that lived during the Late Cretaceous in present-day China and Canada.

The holotype of Qiupalong, discovered and described in 2011, comprises partial hips and hindlimbs. The research team identifying this specimen recognized it as a new taxon and named it Qiupalong henanensis. Qiupalong exhibits certain primitive characteristics in its foot bones that are also observed in other early ornithomimids.

The genus name, Qiupalong, is derived from the Qiupa Formation, its geological origin, and the Chinese word "long," signifying "dragon." The specific epithet, henanensis, reflects its occurrence in Henan Province. Qiupalong is from the late Late Cretaceous, determined based on the age of the Qiupa Formation. Remarkably, Qiupalong is the first definitive Asian ornithomimid known to date.