Paludititan (Swamp Titan)

Basic facts

  • 20 feet (6m) length

  • Late Cretaceous

  • Romania

  • Herbivore

Paludititan is a titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur genus that thrived in the region that is now modern-day Romania during the Late Cretaceous period. It was a member of the ancient ecosystem situated within Hațeg Island. In 2002, a collaborative expedition involving researchers from Belgium and Romania unearthed the skeleton of a sauropod dinosaur in the riverbed of Râul Mare, located at Nǎlaț-Vad. This find marked a significant milestone at the time as it represented the most complete sauropod skeleton ever discovered in Romania.

Paludititan was a relatively small-sized sauropod, measuring around 6 meters (20 feet) in length and weighing approximately 1 metric ton (equivalent to 1.1 short tons). The fossilized remains unveiled distinct features, known as autapomorphies, that serve as clear indicators that Paludititan is a unique species when compared to similar titanosaurian dinosaurs.