Nyasasaurus (Lake Nyasa Lizard)

Nyasasaurus is belived to ba a genus of dinosaur that is estimated to have lived during the Early Triassic period, approximately 245 to 242 million years ago. It is considered to be one of the earliest dinosaurs, making it a crucial discovery in the study of dinosaur evolution. Fossils of Nyasasaurus were unearthed in the Manda Formation of Tanzania, Africa.

Due to its incomplete remains, Nyasasaurus has presented challenges in its classification. However, it can be confidently assigned to Archosauria, the reptilian group comprising modern crocodilians and birds, and Dinosauria, the group encompassing dinosaurs. Additionally, there is a possibility of it falling within Dinosauriformes, a category comprising birds, dinosaurs, and several non-dinosaurian groups from the Triassic period.

As one of the earliest dinosaurs, Nyasasaurus exhibited some defining features that distinguish it from other archosaurian reptiles of its time. It was a relatively small dinosaur, estimated to be about 3 to 10 feet (1 to 3 meters) in length. Its slender build and elongated limbs suggest that it was likely a swift and agile creature.

However, due to the fragmentary nature of the fossils, scientists have not been able to determine its precise physical appearance with certainty. Instead, they rely on comparative analyses with other early dinosaurs and archosaurs to infer its possible characteristics.

Basic facts

  • 3-10 feet (1-3m) length

  • Early Triassic

  • Tanzania