Latenivenatrix (‬Hiding Huntress)

Basic facts

  • 11.5 feet (3.5m) length

  • Late Cretaceous

  • Canada

  • Carnivore

Latenivenatrix, which translates to "hiding huntress," is a troodontid genus distinguished by a single species, L. mcmasterae. It holds the distinction of being the largest known troodontid, boasting an estimated skull length of 45 centimeters (18 inches) and a total body length ranging from 3 to 3.5 meters (9.8 to 11.5 feet).

This unique troodontid stands out from its relatives due to specific diagnostic features found in its pelvis. These distinguishing traits, known as autapomorphic traits, include a retroverted pubis forming a 17° angle, an anteriorly curved pubic shaft, and the presence of a substantial muscle scar on the lateral surface of the pubic shaft, located slightly proximal to the pubic boot.

Although not the largest predator in its ecosystem, Latenivenatrix posed a considerable threat to most similarly sized dinosaurs, including juveniles of larger species.