Kryptops (Covered Face)

Artwork credit: Todd Marshall

Basic facts

  • 23 feet (7m) length

  • Early Cretaceous

  • Niger, Africa

  • Carnivore

Kryptops, scientifically known as "Kryptops palaios," belongs to the Theropoda group, specifically classified under the family Abelisauridae. The name "Kryptops" alludes to the scarcity and partial preservation of its fossils, making it a challenge to fully understand this dinosaur. Kryptops lived during the Cretaceous period, approximately 95 to 70 million years ago.

As per the researchers, this specimen is identified as one of the earliest-known abelisaurids and stands out for its extensively textured maxilla. The presence of pits and impressions of blood vessels suggests the likelihood of a firmly attached covering on the face, possibly composed of keratin. Scientists conducted a cladistic analysis, which revealed Kryptops to be the most primitive abelisaurid.

As an abelisaurid theropod, Kryptops likely displayed the typical traits of its group. Although the available fossil evidence is limited, it is believed that Kryptops possessed a robust and powerful body, supported by strong hind limbs, which allowed for swift and agile movements. Its forelimbs were relatively smaller in comparison, and its head housed a set of sharp teeth, indicative of its carnivorous diet.

While the exact size of Kryptops is challenging to determine due to incomplete remains, it is estimated to have measured around 19.7 to 23 feet (6 to 7 meters) in length, making it a medium-sized theropod dinosaur.