Kotasaurus (Kota Formation Lizard)

Basic facts

  • 30 feet (9m) length

  • Early Jurassic

  • India

  • Herbivore

Kotasaurus is a genus of dinosaur belonging to the group Sauropodomorpha. It lived during the Early Jurassic period, approximately 200 to 190 million years ago. The first fossils of Kotasaurus were discovered in India, in the Kota Formation, after which it was named.

Kotasaurus, a relatively diminutive sauropod dinosaur, boasted a length of approximately 30 feet (9 meters) and an estimated weight of 2.5 tonnes. As part of the sauropod group, it displayed the defining characteristics of these colossal herbivores, featuring a long neck, massive body, and a robust tail.

One of the most notable characteristics of Kotasaurus was its elongated neck, enabling it to reach and feed on vegetation at towering heights. Additionally, its massive body was supported by strong, pillar-like limbs, suggesting its adaptation to supporting its weight.

Kotasaurus stands out as one of the most primitive sauropods identified to date. While its overall body structure resembles that of a typical sauropod, it exhibits several basal (plesiomorphic) characteristics akin to prosauropods. Notably, its spoon-shaped teeth bear a resemblance to those found in later sauropods.