Juravenator (Hunter of Jura Mountains)

Basic facts

  • 2.5 feet (0.75m) length

  • Late Jurassic

  • Europe

  • Carnivore

Juravenator is a genus of dinosaur belonging to the family Compsognathidae. It lived approximately 150 million years ago, during the Late Jurassic, in what is now Germany. The first fossils of Juravenator were discovered in the 1990s, providing paleontologists with valuable insights into this intriguing dinosaur.

Juravenator was a small-sized dinosaur, estimated to have been around 75 centimeters in length. It possessed a slender build and long hind limbs, indicating its adaptation for swift movement. Its forelimbs were short, and it had three-fingered hands with sharp claws. Juravenator also had a long tail that likely aided in balancing and maneuverability. By analyzing the scleral rings of Juravenator and making comparisons with modern birds and reptiles, it has been suggested that the dinosaur may have been nocturnal. However, it is worth noting that this conclusion could be influenced by the fact that the only known specimen is a juvenile.

Juravenator likely moved swiftly on its long hind limbs, using its sharp claws to seize prey. Its slender snout and teeth suggest a diet consisting primarily of small animals, such as insects, lizards, and possibly even small mammals. As a relatively small dinosaur, Juravenator may have been more agile and adept at capturing fast-moving prey.