Helioceratops (Sun Horned Face)

Basic facts

  • 4.3 feet (1.3m) length

  • Middle Cretaceous

  • China

  • Herbivore

Helioceratops is a neoceratopsian dinosaur genus known for its herbivorous diet, originating from the Middle Cretaceous period in China. The name "Helioceratops" is derived from the Greek words "helios" meaning "sun," "keras" meaning "horn," and "ops" meaning "face." This name choice is symbolic, alluding to the fact that just as the Sun rises in the East, ceratopsians also had their origins in the Eastern part of the world.

Helioceratops was a compact creature, with scientists estimating its length to be around 1.3 meters (4.3 feet) and its weight to be approximately twenty kilograms.