Gallimimus (Chicken Mimic)

Basic facts

  • 10 feet (3m) length

  • Late cretaceuous

  • Mongolia

  • Omnivore

Gallimimus is a genus of dinosaur belonging to the theropod group, specifically within the family Ornithomimidae. It lived during the Late Cretaceous period, approximately 70 to 68 million years ago, in what is now Mongolia and China. The first fossils of Gallimimus were discovered in the 1960s.

Gallimimus was a medium-sized theropod dinosaur. One of its most distinctive features was its long and slender legs, which contributed to its agility and speed. In fact, Gallimimus is believed to have been one of the fastest known dinosaurs, capable of running at speeds up to 40 miles per hour (64 kilometers per hour).

This dinosaur was 10 feet or 3 metres in length, however two thirds of its length was covered by its neck and tail. Gallimimus´s head was relatively small and it had no teeth. It´s limbs and neck were slender and it had a light build. It certanly had the capacity to be a very agile dinosaur with alot of speed. The creature had good mobility with its arms, even though they were quite short. However it´s lengthy neck compensated when lack of arms reach.

Gallimimus´s diet consisted of small animals, plants and possibly other dinosaur eggs that it could have stolen.

Gallimimus is perhaps one of the most well known ornithomimid (or bird mimic). It was a very important discovery found by the joint polish-mongolian expedition teams that happened during the 1960s.