Fostoria (Sheep Yard)

Basic facts

  • 49 feet (15m) length

  • Cretaceous

  • Argentina

  • Herbivore

Fostoria (Fostoria dhimbangunmal) is a genus of dinosaur belonging to the group of herbivorous dinosaurs known as Iguanadons. It lived approximately 170 million years ago in what is now Australia. Fostoria was named in 2020, following the discovery of fossilized remains in the rocks of the Winton Formation in Queensland. Limited fossils have been found.

Based on the available fossil material, Fostoria is estimated to reach lengths of around 12 to 15 meters. However, due to the fragmentary nature of the fossils, a comprehensive understanding of its physical characteristics remains challenging. Further study and discoveries are necessary to unveil more details about Fostoria's anatomy, such as its limb structure, skull shape, and other distinguishing features.