Fabrosaurus (Fabre´s lizard)

Basic facts

  • 3 feet 3 inches (1m) length

  • Early Jurassic

  • Africa

  • Herbivore

Fabrosaurus is a genus of dinosaur belonging to the group Ornithischia, within the infraorder Fabrosauridae. It lived during the Early Jurassic period, approximately 195 to 190 million years ago, in what is now southern Africa, particularly the region that is now South Africa. The first fossils of Fabrosaurus were discovered in the mid-20th century.

Fabrosaurus was a small dinosaur, measuring approximately 3 to 5 feet (1 to 1.5 meters) in length and weighing around 15 to 20 kilograms. Its diminutive size makes it one of the smallest known dinosaurs. Being a basal ornithischian, it possessed primitive characteristics compared to later dinosaur groups.

The exact physical features of Fabrosaurus remain somewhat uncertain due to the limited fossil evidence available. However, it is believed to have had a relatively long tail, short limbs, and a beak-like mouth adapted for cropping and consuming plants.

Fabrosaurus lived on tough plant food, such as ferns or cycads. It was one of the earliest ornithischian (bird-hipped) dinosaur. It had small front limbs and very long hindlimbs that provided great adaptations to standing and running on its back legs. It had a long tail that balanced the body front of the hips. Fabrosaurus´s bones were hollow accompanied with a light build made it very fast and agile when fleeing from predators.

Later ornithischians included such diverse forms as the ankylosaurs, ceratopsians and hadrosaurs. In the much smaller fabrosaurus you can get a glimpse fo the sort of animal that these large herbivores had evolved from.