Edmontonia (of Edmontonian)

Basic facts

  • 23 feet (7m) length

  • Late Cretaceous

  • USA

  • Herbivore

Edmontonia is a genus of dinosaur belonging to the family Ankylosauridae. It lived approximately 76 to 73 million years ago, during the Late Cretaceous, in what is now North America. The first fossils of Edmontonia were discovered in the early 20th century, providing paleontologists with valuable insights into this armored dinosaur.

Edmontonia was a large and robust dinosaur, estimated to have reached lengths of around 5 to 6 meters. Its body was covered in a protective armor consisting of bony plates, called osteoderms, embedded in its skin. These osteoderms formed a shield-like structure along its back and sides, providing defense against potential predators.

The extensive armor of Edmontonia, including its osteoderms, served as formidable defense mechanisms against predators. It likely used its tail as a powerful weapon, capable of delivering devastating blows to deter or incapacitate attackers. The armored plating provided protection to vital organs and vulnerable areas of its body.