Datousaurus (Big Head Lizard/Chieftan Lizard)

Basic facts

  • 49.2 feet (15m) length

  • Middle Jurassic

  • China

  • Herbivore

Datousaurus, whose name signifies "chieftain lizard" or "big-head lizard," was a dinosaur that thrived during the Middle Jurassic period. This sauropod was unearthed from the Lower Shaximiao Formation situated in Dashanpu, Zigong Sichuan province, China. Although only two partial skeletons have been uncovered so far, one skull has been associated with this genus, despite the absence of an articulated skull in the discovered skeletons.

Datousaurus measured approximately 15 meters in length and had a herbivorous diet. One distinctive feature of Datousaurus was its notably large and deep skull, particularly when compared to other sauropods. This unique trait hints at specialized adaptations for processing plant material.

Interestingly, the scarcity of Datousaurus fossils suggests that it may not have been as gregarious as some other sauropod species, which are often found in large groups within a single deposit. Additionally, Datousaurus was known for its remarkable ability to reach higher vegetation compared to other sauropods that coexisted with it during the same period and in the same geographical region.