Daanosaurus (Da´an Lizard)

Daanosaurus, scientifically named "Daanosaurus zhangi," belongs to the group of early dinosaurs known as Sauropodomorpha. The name "Daanosaurus" is derived from the locality of its discovery in Da´an district Zigong, Sichuan Province, China. It lived during the Late Triassic period, approximately 157 million years ago.

The only known discovery of Daanosaurus, not an adult - but a juvenile specimen is estimated to have measured about 13 feet (4 meters) in length. There hasn´t been a fossil record of an adult Daanosaurus yet, so its full grown length is uknown. As a member of the sauropodomorph group, it possessed certain characteristic features, including a long neck, a relatively small head, and a sturdy body supported by strong hind limbs.

Although the fossil evidence for Daanosaurus is limited, ongoing research and new discoveries may shed more light on its physical appearance, paleobiology, and behavior.

Basic facts

  • Late Jurassic

  • China

  • Herbivore