Camarasaurus (Chambered Lizard)

Basic facts

  • 59 feet (18m) length

  • Late Jurassic

  • USA, Portugal

  • Herbivore

Camarasaurus is a genus of dinosaur belonging to the family Camarasauridae. It lived approximately 155 to 145 million years ago, during the Late Jurassic, in what is now North America. The first fossils of Camarasaurus were discovered in the late 19th century, providing paleontologists with valuable insights into this extraordinary sauropod.

Camarasaurus was a large dinosaur, reaching lengths of up to 18 to 23 meters and standing at a height of around 6 to 9 meters. It had a long neck and tail, characteristic of sauropods, with a relatively short and boxy skull. Its body was supported by sturdy legs and a strong skeletal structure, giving it a stocky appearance.

Camarasaurus was likely a quadrupedal dinosaur, using its sturdy limbs and column-like legs to support its massive body. Its long tail provided balance, while its relatively short neck limited its browsing range compared to other sauropods. It is believed to have moved slowly and used its robust body structure for stability.