Palaeoperenethis (Ancient Nursery Web Spider)

Basic facts

  • Early Eocine

  • Canada

  • Insectivore


Palaeoperenethis is a monotypic genus of nursery web spiders, meaning it contains just a single species, Palaeoperenethis thaleri. These spiders are from the Pisauridae family. The genus is exclusively documented from Early Eocene deposits in the Ypresian Okanagan Highlands, located in the Cariboo region of British Columbia, Canada.

Nursery web spiders derive their name from the fact that most of them construct webs to safeguard their eggs, typically just before they are ready to hatch. Throughout the rest of their lives, these spiders prowl through vegetation, ambushing their prey while also taking measures to evade potential predators like small lizards.

Palaeoperenethis thaleri is only known from a single fossil. The genus name was created by P. Selden and D. Penney, combining the Greek term "palaios," signifying "ancient," with "Perenethis," a contemporary genus of nursery web spiders.